Sunday, 23 January 2011

Sunday's game

Alas, the "newly painted unit" syndrome showed how devastating and horrible it can be...
the 46th routing...

The 46th manoeuvred with precision and elegance only to be defeated in hand to hand combat by a British line infantry (was it the 72nd? Matt or Robert correct me). Despite the fact that I charged them, and that they were outnumbered the British held their ground for 1 turn and managed to rout my men...

Nevertheless it was a great game and we had a lot of fun. I am sure that Robert will soon post a nice battle report with all the details. The problem is that we are still learning the rules (Black Powder) and we keep making mistakes. The other minus is that our collections are quite small so we still need some time before we will be able to field large brigades or even divisions. I have a feeling that the game will reach its full potential once we will be able to field 10-15 battalions per side...

The good news is that I was able to finish my Commander in Chief, Achille Tallon, just in time for the game

Unlike the 46th this guy and his officers were able to give a very good performance. Unfortunately we didn't win but we came close to it

Achille Tallon stands firm against the british onslaught. Of course having 2 6pounder guns nearby really helps...

The man himself in action! 

I can not stress enough how great it is to actually get a game going once or twice a month. First of all its fun and second it really helps to keep me painting!
Hopefully by next months game I should have a couple of more brigades ready :)

Finally some random pics from our game. Hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

46th Line

Sonnez la charge!

   It has been almost 3 weeks now that I have been working on these guys but last night I finally finished them! I am really glad to have finished them on time for the coming Sunday's game. Hopefully they will not suffer from the "newly painted unit" syndrome and do horribly like Robert's artillery in our last game...
   This battalion represents the first battalion of the 46th line. The minis are from the Perry's and I only have good things to say about them. I had a great time painting them and I think I will have problems going back to my hordes of plastic infantry that I have yet to paint...
For those of you that are wondering about the Eagle, well I am still waiting for my order from Front Rank to arrive...

Hope you like them! As always comments and criticism are more than welcome.

I am thinking to "lose" that yellow grass on the command base. What do you think?


Grenadiers - base decoration still WIP -  

At the painting table, I have another 6pounder, a small vignette with the Commander in Chief, Achille Tallon, and a unit of the 7th Cuirassiers...

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Run up the colours !!

While finishing my current wip Napoleonic French, I remembered that almost two years ago I started collecting and painting miniatures for the Trafalgar ruleset.

Unfortunately back then no one was interested in Napoleonic naval battles so my interest in that aspect of Napoleonic warfare soon dissipated after painting a couple of minis.
The minis are by Langton miniatures and the scale is 1:1200. I highly recommend Langton minis to anyone interested in this period. I believe that they have the best miniature ships in the market!
The rigging was  difficult to get right but it really makes the models look good so its worth the extra effort!!
All of the ships are British but I have long forgotten their classification. I think one of them is a first rate while the rest are 2nd rates... I have to double check though...   

First the second rate ships:


and no.2:

and all the ships together:

As you can see the first rate ship is the largest to the left and still needs a lot of work. The 2nd rate next to it only needs the rigging done and it will be complete.  Once I get these things done I should put some flags one them!

Now, if only I could get the guys from my club to join in :) Robert? Matt? Giovanni?

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Current WIP

Unfortunately the last few days I didnt have enough time to finish this unit.
Most of it however is almost complete. 1 more company of fusiliers and the grenadier company...
I should say here that these pics were taken from my mobile phone so the quality is not that good... there is no shine on the models...its all because of the camera's flash...
better pics will come when the unit is done

There is no eagle yet on the flag pole because I am waiting for the ones that Front Rank makes. Flag is GMB and minis are Perrys...
Basing is still WIP....
comments and critique are always welcome! 

Monday, 3 January 2011

Unexpected gift....

While trying to resist my urge to read anything related to the Russian campaign, my girlfriend bought me "Russia against Napoleon" by D. Lieven....
Now, I must resist foundry's 20% discount.....